ICEM Surf History

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The development of this software goes back to a project that was commissioned by Volkswagen at the end of the 1970s / beginning of the 1980s and implemented by the then ICEM Systems GmbH in Hanover (50% VW, 50% Control Data). The name of the software was therefore originally VW-Surf.

The success story of ICEM Surf began in the 1990s: Many car manufacturers switched from their own developments to ICEM Surf. The "visible surfaces" of the automobile, not just the body shell, but also the interior, were then created using ICEM Surf.

Headlines from the past:


  • 10/96: ICEM Surf now supports the development of Peugeot and Citröen vehicles

  • 11/96: Jaguar expands ICEM Surf installation

  • 12/96: Volvo relies on the surface modeler ICEM Surf

  • 01/97: Ford chooses ICEM CAD surface technology worldwide

  • Today, ICEM Surf is the reference system for Class A surface modeling worldwide.


After the acquisition of the company ICEM Ltd. by Dassault Systemes, most of the functionality of ICEM Surf was integrated into the universal CAD-CAM system CATIA. This module is called "CATIA ICEM", ( initially called "ISD" Icem Shape Design), This software module provides a parametric associative system architecture of CATIA, as well as the Class A surface modeling and diagnostic functions of ICEM Surf. Using this technology, fully integrated parametric associative Class A CAD surface models can be generated

Nevertheless, the use of ICEM Surf still makes sense, because with ICEM Surf the non-parametric creation of Class-A surfaces continues to be considerably faster and more efficient than using parametrics in many cases. Also the optimized system architecture of ICEM Surf is a benefit, as it is a well-evolved and mature software, fine-tuned to the Class A process.

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