ICEM Surf - "The Art of Surface Modeling" - Enables You to create CAD Surfaces of the highest "Class-A" Quality


Design Class-A surfaces with ICEM Surf on the computer

The aesthetics and design of a product are increasingly important factors in the customer's buying decision. This is similar for automobiles and for consumer goods in general. The more attractive the design, the more desirable the product will be. In addition to the design language and proportions, etc., the quality of the surfaces also plays a crucial role. Over the years, a very special CAD system has secured a top position for designing products of the highest surface quality – the Class-A quality - using computers: ICEM Surf.
ICEM Surf Fertiges Modell

With the help of ICEM Surf you are able to design your products with a special elegance, that will make them more attractive and successful.

The difference between Class-A surfaces (yellow) and ordinary surfaces (white) can be seen clearly in this photo:

class a flächen 400

Reverse Engineering

In addition to the application in the automotive industry, ICEM Surf is also a very efficient tool for the universal application of Reverse Engineering - with a focus on surface quality (see application examples).


Application Examples of ICEM Surf


Automotive Exterior & Interior Strak / Lofting
Automobil Extrieur Strak mit ICEM Surf - Anwendungsbeispiel

1) Automotive Exterior Strak / Lofting using ICEM Surf

Automobil Extrieur Strak mit ICEM Surf - Anwendungsbeispiel

2) Automotive Exterior Strak / Lofting using ICEM Surf

Automobil Interieur Strak mit ICEM Surf - Anwendungsbeispiel

3) Automotive Interior Strak / Lofting using ICEM Surf

Concept modeling of an Electric Vehicle
Reverse Engineering
Design of consumer goods
Ship design - Yacht design

Why is systemworkx the right partner for you in terms of ICEM Surf Software?

Our experts have been working in the field of free-form modeling with ICEM Surf since 1990. They have extensive practical experience, both in planning and in the practical implementation and application of ICEM Surf and related (CATIA-) tools. This enables us to provide you with comprehensive support: from the selection of the right components, the training of your co-workers, up to on-going customer support.

The focus is on the software modules:

  • ICEM Surf
  • CATIA ICEM Shape Design
  • CATIA Imagine & Shape

How to start?

Please contact one of our friendly experts for a no obligation chat about ICEM Surf.

Herrn Alexander Back:
Phone / Whatsapp: +49 152 34353147
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